Friday, September 18, 2009

Yes, I am still alive!!!

It has been a while. I arrived in Ireland on the 12th and things have been moving almost non-stop ever since. Only about an hour ago did I get internet established so I could begin making updates here (let alone contacting family to let them know I am ok).

From Saturday through Thursday I was able to receive a general tour of Killarney as well as what is called the Dingle peninsula. The reason for this touristy action was we were also entertaining another visitor, Rachael, who is on a discovery tour with CrossWorld. She is a Canadian considering coming to Ireland as a full time missionary so while she was staying with us we spend a significant portion of time learning about the region’s culture, geography and history. For me the tours were only a snippet introduction to what I will be doing with my culture studies, blanketing many areas of study. For pictures of my tours I am uploading a select few here.

I am now settled into my flat (apartment), but am still working on transportation (a bicycle – yes even when it rains). The bike needs new tires and a new pedal which we bought today and will hopefully change out tomorrow.

Sunday and Wednesday did consist of meeting members of Grace Evangelical Fellowship. The church consists of approximately 10 members who clearly love God. Worship was rudimentary compared to what we are used to in the States but irregardless, their worship is still truly worshipful and thus honoring to God. It is not about how “produced” our worship is that makes it good, it is about whether we truly believe and praise God with the songs we sing and the words we speak.

Things to pray for:
1.) Getting adjusted to the cultural setting. Handling money (euros) and remembering to look in the right direction when crossing the streets can be stressful. Imagine not knowing how to count your change when in a long line!

2.) Making contacts. The existing church has no one in my age bracket. It is my prayer that I will meet some young adults whom I can befriend. If they come to Christ as a result – bonus praise to God!

3.) Settling in. There is still much to do in regards to getting situated and beginning the culture study. Larry and I hope to sit down on Monday to hash out those details.

4.) Personal spiritual formation. I went for a walk last night after being dropped off and it hit me just how alone I am here. Up until last night Rachael was around who is a little younger than I and she made the initial transition a bit easier, but now in many ways I am on my own in a foreign land. Somehow I truly believe my communion with God will grow significantly over the next few months.

Cultural Fun Facts:
1.) light switches: up is off and down is on
2.) yes they drive on the opposite side of the road
3.) Showers: you don’t just turn on the hot water, you also have to turn on the water heater (and there are no switches in the bathroom, they are outside the bathroom)
4.) Language: yes they speak English, but meanings of many words are different and there are other words we use they do not and words they use that we do not.


  1. i am trying to comment

  2. So glad your alive I thought you fell off a rock! Happy cooking! Hope you meet some young people! Is 42 young? I'll pray for you.
