Thursday, November 26, 2009

Back in Killarney

Good news! The flooding has not affected the bus service, so I was able to return to Killarney on Tuesday and thus led the Wednesday night Bible study for the church here.

The visit to Douglas was incredible. Many varied experiences will go down in memory for me, and I learned a great deal about both life in Ireland and ministry.

But as one might imagine, there is still a long way to go. Sunday I am preaching at the church in Killarney, and I am again leading next Wednesday's bible study. I also have a great deal of work to complete for my studies for Grace. So for this final stretch of time here in Ireland will be seen with many busy days.

God is good though, and on this (American) Thanksgiving day, I have so much to be thankful for. This trip has been a wonderful experience filled with all sorts of emotions. I can only wonder what God will have in store for me after the trip is over.

Again, thank you for your continued prayers. I covet them every day.

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