Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Road Ahead

It is official; I am now a graduate of Grace Theological Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity. The road has been long and difficult but very good as well. Completion of the internship and thus my training at Grace marks the end of one major period in my life and the beginning of another. But what is to come for my future?

For the immediate future I will be seeking a job to pay off school loans. It would be preferable to find something ministry related but given the time it takes and the economic situation, I am open to just about anything.

The future that is a little further down the road is ministry driven. I do plan to enter into cross-cultural ministry, but where and what that will look like I am uncertain. Some, including those in Killarney, would like to see me return to Ireland, and I am not ruling that out as a possibility. But given the immediate needs of paying off this loan, those decisions are not yet ready to be made.

So prayer requests for the time being would be as follows:

1. Pray that I can find a job and affordable housing so that I can pay off the loans in a relatively short time.

2. Pray that I will be able to keep my focus on ministry while working these next couple years. One way would to be able to find ways to get involved in a local church.

Again, thank you for all your support throughout the trip to Ireland. It is because of you all that the trip was able to be so successful.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I am home!

I just wanted to take a minute to put up a quick post to let everyone know I made it home safe. The day started at about 9am Irish time and we pulled into my parent's driveway at 1am local (6am Irish time). So it did make for a long day and I am tired but I am here.

Tomorrow it sounds like I will be getting involved a bit with some ministry stuff through the Christian Motorcyclists Association. My parents are members and they have a meeting I have been invited to go along with provided I can wake up in the morning.

So I will write more later about future plans and prayer requests regarding future ministry endeavors, but for now I need to get some rest.

Thank you for your prayers and support through all this trip. It has been a blessing and a truly growing experience.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Flying Again!!!

If you didn’t know, I love flying. It is truly one of my greatest passions. But today’s flights are a bit of a sweet sorrow for me. It means my time in Ireland has come to a close and I am on my way home. It is good that I am going home, but I will miss the friends I have made here in Ireland as well. It also means I am finished with Seminary. This alone has been a long but blessed experience. Hopefully I will be able to chat with many of you when I arrive to tell you personally about the many good things gained from this trip.

But the reason I am writing this post is to help you track my flights if you are so interested. I am flying out of Cork at 11:50am local time (6:50am Eastern) on Aer Lingus flight 712 and arriving in London at 1:05 pm local (8:05am Eastern). Flight tracking can be achieved here.

The second flight will be departing London at 4:30pm local time (11:30am Eastern) on American Air flight 91 and arriving in Chicago at 7:40pm local (8:40pm Eastern). Flight tracking for this flight can again be achieved here.

It will make for a long day, but I am looking forward to being home.

Thank you so much for all your prayers.



*because these posts are automatically uploaded to facebook but does not include the hyperlinks, I am posting the full links below:

EIN 712:

AAL 91:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Week

Its the final countdown. What an amazing trip it has been! This week looks to be very busy but good.

Today I preached for the last time in Killarney. I spoke on the idea of always remembering God, whether in the valley or on the mountain. How often we forget God and become so focused on ourselves? It is a real danger and the emphasis in Scripture on “Remember” has become so vital for my Christian walk, I thought it would be good to share that with the people here.

Tomorrow we are going to a funeral in Cork. I learned today that a believer in Christ has gone home and so tomorrow we are going down to Cork to celebrate this lady’s home-going.

Tuesday will be a day of final enjoyment for me. I plan to hike a long trail through the Black Valley (weather permitting). I am sure I will be exhausted at the end of the day but it is an area I have not yet seen and hope to before I travel home. It will make for a good time to reflect on the trip and think about what God has for me in the coming months.

Wednesday the church will be caroling at a few different retirement / nursing homes in the area. Then in the evening the church is having its annual Christmas party. Should be a great day of ministry and encouragement for all.

Thursday is a day of packing, cleaning, and filling out financial reports for the mission. Sounds exciting??

Friday I hitchhike my way onto a couple planes that are hopefully bound for home. Then, if my parents are gracious, kind, loving, wonderful, incredible people, they will be at the airport waiting for me. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Winding Down

Eleven days. It really is hard to believe that this trip is coming to a close. On Friday, the 18th, I will be flying back home, marking not just the end of this trip, but also of my seminary education. Before thinking about what is to come after I return to the States, I do have some things to think about here.

School projects are winding down. I have already turned in one of two significant assignments. This second one is proving difficult to finish, but plans are in the works to help me accomplish just that. I quite possibly will be able to finish typing it up on Thursday. Once that is done and emailed, my educational experience will be entirely out of my hands, for everything I will have had to do to become a seminary graduate will be accomplished. Wow.

But there are still things to do here. This Sunday I will be preaching again at Grace Fellowship in Killarney, and next Wednesday (16th) the church will be caroling at a couple different homes for elderly and disabled. There is also the possibility of a church Christmas party, but I have not heard for certain if it will happen before I leave.

One interesting aspect of these last few weeks is the meeting place we are using for church. The Cultural Center is being used by the city as Santa’s Grotto (I’m still waiting to understand what they mean by “grotto”). So as a result we have been forced out. Our alternative meeting place? My flat. This past Sunday I had it set up with the most number of chairs we could fit – 15 – and every last one was filled. It was a packed house. I have no idea what we will do if we ever have more than 15 people come. Standing room only???

It has been a good trip. And its not over.